Bro. Boy Sta Maria

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Bro. Boy Sta Maria

The Strong Pillar of CLG Manila

We lost one of our own. Bro. Boy was one of the strong pillar that God used to establish CLG Manila right from the beginning. God put Bro. Boy in our lives and the life of CLG to realize the dream that God placed on us. I personally rely on him and his advice in many ways when it comes to the running of CLG Manila. He stood with us in good times but most importantly during our toughest yet.

In most times, Bro. Boy was the first and the last person to leave the church premises. He was a man of integrity, loyalty, honesty, courage, and resilience; a man of faith, enduring in trials, outspoken in the heart. He was trustworthy in every way.

Bro. Boy, your legacy lives on in our hearts. We love you. Till we see you again.